InChorus and Innovate Finance launch programme to build an inclusive culture across Financial Services & FinTech

InChorus want to see a Financial Services & FinTech Industry where the brightest talent thrive, driving innovation and growth. This requires diversity. But in order to sustain diversity, and unlock the rewards it brings, we need to focus on creating a more inclusive sector. One where difference is invited, respected, and valued.

Over the last two years, a spotlight has been shone upon a lack of inclusion, with instances of bias, harassment, and discrimination surfacing in the wake of the #MeToo movement, and gender pay gap reporting.

Moving forwards, the call for an inclusive industry is becoming even stronger with the FCA mandating for a focus on non-financial misconduct and D&I.

To address this, InChorus have partnered with Innovate Finance, Level 39, and FinTech Alliance to carry out an industry-wide research project into bias and ‘microaggressions’. We will be taking a data-driven approach to the question of inclusion in order to surface actionable insight and recommend targeted solutions that can be measured for effectiveness.

In order to do this important work InChorus are gathering support from sponsors to join us as Brand Partners. Click here to find out how you can get involved.

You can find out more about InChorus here: