The Importance of Savings and Overdrafts

Presented by Dozens

Why should you care about your data and digital identity?

Presented by Newcastle University

Credit – The Importance of Building Your Credit Score

Presented by LOQBOX

Learning About the Basics of Investing: Getting More Out of Your Money!

Presented by Oval Money

#BestInClass Video Series

In support of the initiative, we reached out to the FinTech community to talk about their experiences getting into FinTech, their best advice for students looking to work in the sector and why FinTech is so important to the future of our society. This was all in aid of inspiring the next generation of FinTech talent and raising awareness of the diversity and possibilities in FinTech for everyone, especially young girls!

FinTech Quiz

We have put together a fun Kahoot Quiz to test your FinTech knowledge! Please use this quiz in your presentations, talks or meetings to see how well people really know the sector!

Innovate Finance