About the Policy & Regulation Programme

We work with regulators and government to help ensure the voice of the FinTech sector is heard across key policy areas. Our mission is to ensure the UK remains a leading global FinTech ecosystem and the most attractive hub for setting up a FinTech business. Our policy work helps promote innovation in the UK, and supports our members as they navigate the shifting political and economic landscape. The input of our members is vital in helping us to ensure that we are representing the needs of an evolving sector.

Areas of focus

General Election 2024: What it means for the FinTech sector:

Ahead of the nation going to the polls on Thursday 4 July 2024, Innovate Finance is in election mode. Our policy team is now producing important policy and regulatory content to help members navigate the election and shape the FinTech policy agenda of the next government.

Click here to read our initial General Election FinTech Manifesto which will be our guide as we produce our plan for government.

If you have views or concerns throughout this crucial election, please feel free to email us with your thoughts at policy@innovatefinance.com.

Consultation responses, research, news and insights 

Please see below for recent Innovate Finance publications and responses to government consultations.

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Innovate Finance

Innovate Finance and InChorus response to PRA, Bank ofEngland and FCA DP2/21 – Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change – Innovate Finance and our partner InChorus responded to this discussion paper from the FCA, PRA and Bank of England to give our views on how we can accelerate the pace of meaningful change on diversity and inclusion in the sector.

Innovate Finance

Innovate Finance response to FCA CP21/21 Primary Markets Effectiveness Review – We were pleased to see the FCA’s proposals for reforms to the UK listings regime, with the proposed introduction of dual-class share structures and a reduction in the minimum free float for the premium segment. These were two key recommendations from the Kalifa Review, designed to encourage more high-growth founder-led businesses to IPO in London. We and our members believe that these proposals will certainly help in achieving that aim

Innovate Finance

Innovate Finance response to DCMS Digital identity and attributes consultation, September 2021 – This digital ID consultation focused on the proposed governance structure for this new technology. In our submission, we highlighted the need to create a level playing field to encourage as many providers as possible to participate in the digital ID framework, and we encouraged the government to think internationally, so that the UK framework can be considered world-leading and exportable.

Innovate Finance

Innovate Finance response to “A New Consumer Duty” FCA CP21/13 – Innovate Finance welcomes the thrust of the new proposals for refreshed Consumer Duty , which will do much to enhance consumer protection. Nevertheless, as we highlighted in our response to the FCA, there were a few areas where we think the new Duty should take into account the specific needs of FinTech.

Lobbying policy and record

A key part of our role at Innovate Finance is to engage government, regulators and policy makers to deepen their understanding of Fintech, advocate policies and approaches to regulation that will maintain the UK’s position as a global FinTech hub and identify where and how Fintech can help achieve wider economic, social and environmental outcomes.  We therefore lobby on behalf of our members, giving UK FinTech a collective voice.

In addition to legal requirements, our approach is guided by the principles of acting for the interest of the ecosystem, political impartiality, and transparency.

Read more about our lobbying policy here.

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